Fixing 'Pytest Command Not Found' Error in Terminal


When attempting to run pytest in your terminal, you encounter the pytest command not found error.

How to Solve It


Use the following command as a workaround

python3 -m pytest


The pytest command not found error occurs because pytest is not included in the system’s PATH variable, making it inaccessible directly from the command line. Using python3 -m pytest bypasses this issue by running pytest as a module within the Python environment.


  1. Identify the pytest path

Open a terminal and execute the following command to determine the path to pytest

which pytest

Note down the path displayed, such as “/Users/user/Library/Python/3.9/bin/pytest”

  1. Edit the Zsh Configuration File

Use a text editor like nano to edit your Zsh configuration file

nano ~/.zshrc
  1. Add pytest Path to PATH Variable

Within the ~/.zshrc file, add the pytest path to the PATH environment variable. Append the following line

export PATH=$PATH:/Users/user/Library/Python/3.9/bin
  1. Save and Exit

Save the changes to ~/.zshrc by pressing Ctrl + X, followed by Y to confirm, and then press Enter.

  1. Apply Changes

To apply the changes to the current terminal session, run

source ~/.zshrc
  1. Verify can access pytest

Confirm that pytest is now accessible by checking its version

pytest --version


Following these steps should resolve the pytest command not found error and allow you to use pytest directly from the terminal without relying on the workaround.

Happy testing! 😎